четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

even you cannot conquer the sun

saunterdown: #i think christopher whitelaw pine makes me angry...


#i think christopher whitelaw pine makes me angry for a number of reasons #but the primary one is this #while standing still his exterior is that of your stereotypical Hollywood Star #he has the teeth and the hair and fit body #but then he moves #and it's not graceful #he may or may not hit himself in the face #we just don't know #and then he speaks #and out comes either shit like 'indefatigable' and a berkeley english degree or 'bonjour' when the interviewer is leaving and 'commence bow and arrows' #what i'm getting at is that christopher whitelaw pine is a dweeb #a huge dweeb with a salt and pepper beard and lame cardigans who lets his friends steal his shoes #and that's all very upsetting

razorshapes: Mike Gottschalk


Mike Gottschalk

vulcanest: most people characterize jim kirk as this attractive charismatic crazy party animal but...


most people characterize jim kirk as this attractive charismatic crazy party animal but let's not forget that he's also one of the most intelligent people in the entire state of iowa and he essentially finished starfleet academy in three years not four 

also i bet he likes the little things in life like the way a good cup of coffee smells and the freshly ironed line on a new pair of trousers or the aesthetic of a picture nicely juxtaposed against another on the wall and the sound of birds chirping in the breeze at five am as he studies for his last final and the cool crisp breeze off the golden gate bridge

basically just don't forget that jim kirk is a multifaceted character please and thank you

queen of jim kirk angsty poetry along with jimmykirks

omg yeah pretty much 

queen of my heart

yeah good i know

2headedsnake: Argyle plaids 'Deliverance 2', 2013


Argyle plaids

'Deliverance 2', 2013





subtilitas: Susumu Takasuga - Seitogakusha schoolhouse, likely...


Susumu Takasuga - Seitogakusha schoolhouse, likely mid 1970's. Via the always inspiring Paradise Backyard



kirk & spock & mccoy

kirk & spock & mccoy

Elementary significant objects/milestones

Elementary significant objects/milestones

star trek heist au → pike recruits a team of "the best of the...

star trek heist au → pike recruits a team of "the best of the best" to rob him a bank.

kirk: the mastermind

bones: his right-hand man; oversees everything and makes sure these hotshots don't get themselves killed

spock: the IT/hacker guy

uhura: a brilliant con artist

sulu: the getaway car/the muscle

scotty: ballistics

chekov: a rookie genius pickpocket who's been making a name for himself on the streets

scott is isaac’s anchor a hundred motherfuckers can’t tell me nothin xo

scott is isaac’s anchor a hundred motherfuckers can’t tell me nothin xo

austingabe: walk up in the school like what up we had a threesome


walk up in the school like


what up we had a threesome

you dotnd undserstand my state of mind fdrn oh gdof allison/isaac/scott dont toucbh mei knew you...

you dotnd undserstand my state of mind fdrn oh gdof allison/isaac/scott dont toucbh mei knew you were trouble when you walked innnnnnn so shame don me now!!!!!!!!

Captain Italy interviews Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)

Captain Italy interviews Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)


Cosima's brain is working 100,000 miles a minute faster than...

Cosima's brain is working 100,000 miles a minute faster than everybody else's. She's very intellectual. Everything's happening really quickly in her brain. So for her, she's trying to explain things to people on a base level which they'll understand, but she's operating way faster than they are. So her mannerisms are a lot of hand gestures trying to make you understand, trying to paint pictures with her hands. And [there's] also a lightness and a cute quirkiness. Cosima thinks she's quite cute, and so she plays that up a bit, which is cool because she's super intellectual, too. So it's not like she's just getting by on her cuteness. She's a mix. - Tatiana Maslany

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